Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Hunger

I had planned for a 3 mile negative split night to get me running non-stop again. With speeds adjusted for the fact that I recently had surgery near a vital organ, I planned for:

Mile 1: 5.5
Mile 2: 5.8
Mile 3: 6.0

I plan to increase the speed with each week. Anyway, miles 1 and 2 were good, but by the time I got to mile 3, I had a sharp pain in my right side where my gallbladder used to be and had to pack it in again. It seems like this is happening when my heart rate becomes more elevated and I'm running faster (so more jostling of body parts) so I'm going to assume it's just healing as usual. It kind of stinks though. The goal of a PR at the end of the month is becoming less and less attainable. I did eat popcorn a few hours before the run, so I'm going to chalk the other abdominal pain up to GI issues and give it a go again tomorrow with a sprint session at lunch.

So the fat-laden season has begun, and it really started a week ago for me with the frequent appearance of Halloween candy. Between that and me manning the bake sale at work, I've been feeling the effects of decreased exercise and increased unhealthy food! While I haven't gained weight, I've certainly lost muscle and tone and just don't feel 100% like me. My energy levels are down and I just have a general "yuck" feeling. I'm in anxiety mode as the BF and I are moving in very shortly and it seems like there's so much to do and very little time in which to do it. It's still really no excuse to be eating crap food though. I'm very much looking forward to having our own space and being able to make healthy foods again! In the meantime, I'm going to focus on getting ample sleep, not losing my weight training (I need the tone back, dammit), and keeping up with my cardio sessions. It's a lot to do, but a few sessions over lunch hour and 30-60 min at night isn't too much, I don't think. We'll see how it goes. American Thanksgiving onwards is gonna be a shitshow (at least until the New Year).

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh yeah... Thanksgiving is gonna be amazing. If I don't hit 5000 calories, I'll be disappointed.
