Wednesday called for 3 miles pace and a hot yoga session with Tony Greco. If you don't know Tony Greco (and you won't unless you live in Ottawa or pay very, very close attention to personal trainers in People magazine... he was the trainer of she-who-shall-not-be-named), he's a personal trainer who started a chain of gyms in Ottawa and is famous for conditioning pro-athletes, mainly members of the Ottawa Senators and a few other Sens traitors who married country singer whores. Sorry, I don't know where that came from. Anyway, he was doing a hot yoga seminar on Wednesday at the newly opened yoga studio in Centretown/Little Italy. It was $20 (most yoga drop-in fees around here are $15-16), which included mat rental, towel rental, a t-shirt, and a Fuze juice at the end. It was actually shockingly worth the price... Greco's is notorious for charging a fortune.
So, I show up and right away I should've put two and two together: the studio was in Centretown and it was Greco's. It's not quite Westboro or New Edinburgh on the hipster scale, but it's up there. There were certainly way more yoga aficionados than I expected. Decked out in their lululemon gear and being all stretchy. Damn them. And of course, the Greco's part... well, Greco's just attracts the elitists. When the class is actually taught by Tony Greco himself? Yeah, it's way elite.
I start noticing some minor Ottawa celebrities trickling in. Someone from a local news channel. Pierre Poilievre also showed up. He was the MPP for Ottawa South (which includes Barrhaven) at one point and is now an MP (Member of Parliament) in the House of Commons. Sort of like a Senator, to those US blog readers. Very odd doing hot yoga with a government official. What's even odder is that he's not French.
So you go in this room and it was like, a billion degrees. I noticed it was hard to breathe from the start. The class was crowded which I think took away some of the positive effects, but it made it harder for Tony to pick me out as being the class moron/inflexible non-hipster scum. He added a bit of cardio to this session, which is just absolutely ridiculous. The room is 100F (literally)... I don't need to go for a run in that with 30 other sweaty people. Pushups galore. Sit-ups. My toes started cramping from this downward dog thing. My hamstrings were tight as anything. I loved the sweat dripping off me though and feeling my muscles really stretch. Somewhere in the midst of all this, I realize that he looks and sounds exactly like Ronnie from Jersey Shore and therefore I just can't take him seriously anymore.
"I want you to just focus... breathe deeply... relax"
The class began to wind down and Tony starts saying that we're going to meditate (aka lay on our backs and fall asleep) for 10 minutes. So I start chilling and he starts saying "Listen to the sound of my voice". I'm about to lose it. He's got this strange Italian mobster/Staten Island/Jersey Shore/guido accent that I just can't pinpoint, but either way, the relaxing pretty much ended at that point.
All in all, I'd do hot yoga again. I'll probably try it in Barrhaven since it's a little closer to home, but it was worth the experience.
Oh, and I did the 3 mile pace run too.
Today I'd volunteered to sub on my supervisor's ball hockey team in the Ottawa Sport & Social Club (OSSC). I've been meaning to join it - particularly the dodgeball league - but keep missing the deadlines. It was another 3 mile run today, but I figured I would just do the ball hockey and take it easy. We played for an hour and it was relatively intense, despite the small gym. The problem with playing ball hockey in a rec league in Canada is that the rec players really aren't rec players. I'm really, really awful at ball hockey. Especially non-contact ball hockey. Hip checking is all I have! There are people in that league who grew up playing hockey... probably 90% of the people playing either currently play hockey, or once did. It's just a Canadian thing. I unfortunately suck. Oh well, it was a workout.
On the way back from the school that we played at, I decided to stop in at Snap and crank out my 3 miles while watching the NHL All Star Fantasy Draft. Midway through the miles, I then decided that it would be a good night for a leg workout. Why I thought that was a good idea, I have no clue. Either way, I did squats, lunges, hip ab/adductor stuff, calf raises, and some other crap until my legs screamed at me to quit the torture. I obliged. My whole body is a wreck now after working out 6 days straight. A good wreck. But a wreck.
Lastly, I've held you all to the end of this to explain the title of the post. In a previous entry, I'd written that I thought I was eating well, until I realized how many desserts I actually eat in a day. Not a lot of desserts, or pick portions, but a Timbit here, half a cookie there, a bit of muffin, a sliver of cake. I love my sweets. Well, I realized that those little bits here and there are adding unneeded calories and sugar to an otherwise healthy diet. Until at least my cousin's wedding (and except for perhaps a small slice of birthday cake), I've given up desserts. The only thing I've eaten resembling a dessert is a frozen yogurt pop that's 90 calories and 7g of sugar. Given that a Nature Valley bar has more calories and sugar than that, I'm letting it pass the test.
But that's it! No more work muffins or splitting desserts with family/friends. It's over!!! I WILL TRIUMPH!
Fist Pump!