A break from running and a visit from Mr Blog Chain Letter.
The Rules:
Post these rules
You must post 11 random things about yourself
Answer the questions set for you in their post
Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer
Go to their blog and tell them you've tagged them
No stuff in the tagging section about you are tagged if you are reading this. You legitimately have to tag 11 people!
Eleven Random Things about me:
1. I love the view from my office window. I look out over runway 14/32 of the Ottawa Intl Airport. I always watch for the United Express planes that come in and try to guess loads.
2. I have worked 3 different jobs within the same company in the past year. Being a perpetual trainee sucks!
3. I always eat sweets by breaking off pieces (muffins, brownies, cookies), rather than taking a bite.
4. Until I was about 18, I would buy Old Spice deodorant and shower gel. I thought smelling like a guy would make me hit the gym harder.
5. I was never a major coffee drinker until I started air traffic control training. Now, if I have to be at work before 9 am, I crave coffee (but still only have 1-2 cups/day).
6. I'm a really bad cook.. but have an incredible ability to find the healthiest treasures in supermarkets, and sometimes combine them (ex. PC Blue Menu chicken fillets + low sodium marinara + skim mozza and parm = 350 calorie chicken parmigiana). I have a hard time eating "healthy". My BF and I are really two morbidly obese people in athletic bodies.
7. I can't eat iceberg lettuce, green olives, souvlaki, roasted garlic potatoes, or creamy garlic dressing anymore after catching the Norwalk virus twice and having to puke up all those food items.
8. 90% of my playlists on my iPod are running or exercise-related (ex. Cardio, Sprint Days, Intervals, Outdoor jogging). The oher 10% are relationship-related (Boyfriend, Angry Breakup, and Mellow Breakup).
9. I've always been the youngest person in my workplace. The only time I'm not is when summer students come in. And then it's back to being the youngest (by about 7 years).
10. Even though we live an ocean apart, I usually see my Scottish cousins a minimum of twice a year (for 2-3 weeks at a time).
11. I'm about to buy my first home.
Questions for Me
1&2) What did you want to be when you grew up, and are you that now?
It always changed... meteorologist was a big one for a while.. but it always tended to go back to aviation. I wanted to mainly be either a pilot or a "navigator" (modern-day ATC). I would say yes, since I did train as a controller... and I have a very in-depth aviation job now. I will hopefully get another chance to go back and train as an enroute controller.
3) What is your favorite month of the year?
For some reason, I really like May. It can be cold and rainy sometimes, but you have the excitement of the summer coming up (and Victoria Day weekend).
4) What quote would you want people to remember you by?
I'm not sure... I don't really have any special quotes. Some sort of variation of "break the rules" or "don't take no for an answer". This does not apply to crime, however. Be law-abiding rulebreakers.
5) Sweet or savory?
I really can't deny that I have a horrible sweet tooth.
6) Do you like to celebrate your birthday or do you keep it quiet?
I celebrate by getting the same birthday cake from Loblaws that I've gotten for over 20 years now. If the opportunity to celebrate presents itself (like this year), then I'll go out, but generally it's just chill.
7) Where is one place you’d dying to visit?
I really want to visit the Canary Islands. Some of the Mediterranean islands as well (Malta, Sardinia, Crete)
8) Right or left side of the bed?
I usually sleep on the left side when my boyfriend is home, but if we're staying at a hotel or elsewhere, it's really interchangeable.
9) Dark, milk, or white chocolate?
Anything but white chocolate, really.
10) Name one thing on your bucket list.
I really want another chance to check out.
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