Saturday, December 22, 2012

Long Time, No Run!

Ah, holy crap! I knew the wheels would fall off this blog sooner or later. Really, it was my wheels that had fallen off. Let’s see, what has happened lately…

Well, I:

  1. Got a concussion.
  2. Got an Achilles tendonitis flare-up
  3. Got a kidney infection
  4. Got another concussion
  5. Got a really bad cold

I think that accounts for the really terrible statistics I’ve had running-wise in the past few months. I’ve been well enough to start a new program, only to get a week into it and have something happen. My weight “ballooned” up to 165 lbs a couple weeks ago before I had to give myself a mental note that I can’t eat like a runner when I’m not running. Everything still fits, but I’m just a bit… soft.

Right now I’m still battling a cold, but I am planning to start back up on Week 1 of my Stew Smith workout plan. For those who don’t know (and I’m sure I’ve mentioned this about a hundred times), Stew Smith is the #1 reason I even consider myself a “runner” today. Around 10 years ago I was a chubby kid who really liked sports but just couldn’t get the whole diet and exercise thing in sync. With a bit of help from, I started to run on a treadmill every night with my dad at the local rec centre. I was obsessed with the military (I was in air cadets at the time and had this huge dream of being a fighter pilot), so I knew I had to be fit to pass my PFT. I ended up aiming for the USAF fitness requirements despite being a Canadian. Once I “beat” the required times for that, I went on to the Navy, then the Army, then the Marines, then the US Army Rangers. Before I knew it, I was running 7:30 miles.

When my training season was left dead in the water after I pushed it way too hard racing, I wanted a coach. I first tried an Ottawa coach (whose name I will withhold) who was absolutely terrible. I had little online support, my run instructions were “Run 45 min”, “Run 30 min easy, then go harder”, “Run 60 min”. This worked for about a few weeks before my injuries flared up. I get some serious tendon pain after 6 miles, so the 60-75 min runs left me hobbling home. With an ice pack on my knee, I contacted Stew. I knew he did personal training and I could never bring myself to pay for it, but his articles had helped me so much and the training program was perfect for an injury-prone klutz like me. He’s been fantastic and very patient with me as I’ve had to battle things non-stop since the summer. I’m hoping for a turnaround after this holiday season.

That’s it for the update right now. I’m back to Week 1 of my 12 week program. I took some “Before” pics and I’m hoping for some good “After”s. My goals with Stew are: sub-25:00 5K in 2013 and a sub-20:00 5K one day. It will happen!

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