Thursday, August 18, 2011

'Til I Collapse

Today I had what I can only describe as the first second weekly personal training appointment. I usually go to a private fitness facility once a week to do personal training and get really hardcore and awesome workouts. I can only liken them to Crossfit, but with that one-on-one attention that really pushes you to the edge. I've upped the intensity for the next month as I'm going to a wedding in New Jersey with my boyfriend and have two wardrobe changes -- one dress exhibits my ridiculous long legs, and the other shows off my arms. While both are fine-ish (legs are good), I really want to get into tip-top shape before winter hits and I have to cover up.

I had a killer workout with my trainer and was feeling pretty tired, but decided to go for my run tonight so I could make tomorrow a rest day. Boy, was that a good decision. I got on the treadmill as it's relatively humid out and I just didn't have the energy to make it through a hot, humid 2.something mile run. My goal was 3ish miles, but I eventually settled on a goal of 2.3 miles since I wanted to leave 5 miles for my long run on Saturday. I guess going to bed too late and being lethargic all day wreaked havoc on my thinking because I only realized after the run that 6.7+2.3 = 9, sooooo I guess it's a 4 miler for me on Saturday. I don't really mind. I'm not at the point where I'm doing 5-7 miles all week then some crazy 12-13 miler on weekends yet. The different between my long run and short run is less than a mile at this point, so whatever. As long as I get my mileage in. I was hoping to do my 5 mile trail run (which is only actually comprised of maybe 1.5 miles of trail -- the rest is on flat boring roads), so I might try to map the mileage if I just did an out and back on the trail instead of a loop and get the 4 miles in that way.

The run itself was fairly painful. I literally could feel my legs going "f--- this shit, we're out". 6.0mph is my normal jogging pace and I was panting my way through a few intervals with that as my "fast" pace. It was brutal, but I did stay in the 5-6.5 mph range for the full 2.3 miles, so it wasn't too bad, but I'm glad I'm affording myself that day of rest tomorrow. My muscles will thank me.

For some reason, during the run, I got super hungry. This happens fairly often as I usually wait too long after lunch to run and end up with a grumbling stomach, but tonight I ran at 5 pm, so I'm not sure of the deal with that. I think it had to do with just being excessively tired, physically. Tonight is Boston Pizza night and I've been debating between the Spicy Garlic Chicken Pizza and the new Mexicali Pizza. They're both the low-cal individual ones, but the Mexicali is thin crust and bigger, while the garlic chicken is thicker, but smaller. I'm also allowing myself to share a dessert with my mom tonight. It's exactly one month to the wedding and I've decided to give up store-bought desserts for the next 30 days, so I may as well go out on a high note. I would give up desserts altogether, but that would mean going through both my dad's and mom's birthdays without cake. Not cool! Instead, my boyfriend and I are going to be doing some healthy baking. I have some good low cal/fat recipes for cakes and icing and he loves my 100-calorie brownies, so I think I'll survive. Even if someone does buy a cake, at the very least I can portion something equivalent to 100 calories so I know what I'm taking in. It's those Moxie's/BP/etc desserts that are bad! Those, and the random muffins I keep eating at work that are just not helping my case!

I'm also in dire need of new workout clothes. I have two pairs of shorts that I really like to run in -- one pair I've had for a minimum of 3 years now. The second pair I must've got 2 years ago and I love because they showcase my legs VERY well, and I really like my legs. They're that type that sort of moves with your legs as you run. I'm going to try to find a picture of them. They're harder to find now because they made a lot of women uncomfortable. Understandably. If you're not 6'0" tall with mile-long legs, they probably wouldn't look all that great. I'm not bragging... I'm literally all leg, which means that my torso is short and stubby and doesn't lose weight very easily. I was running tonight in these Nike shorts that totally bunched up at the front and were not flattering at all. Couple that with my usual grey (or blue) "Just Do It" tshirt and high temps and I was just feeling disgusting at the end of the run. You would've thought I took a stroll under Niagara Falls. I'm thinking of going to lululemon. While I'm not big on the overpriced hippy stuff, I do remember buying one of my very first workout shirts there when I was 13 and they were just some tiny store in Westboro, and it was a really great shirt that lasted for years. I also heard they have some good bras as well for women of my, er, endowment, so I might pay a visit this weekend.

I'd ordered "Born to Run" by Christopher McDougall on and it just arrived today. I'm really excited. I'm hoping to read some of it before I have to start uni! I generally don't like reading "for fun" when I'm studying, since I don't really consider reading a fun activity, and it's certainly not fun to take a break from reading law material to reading another book (even if the content is less intense). The book is actually about a tribe in Africa and has a decent story and documentary feel to it, rather than just some biomechanics book. I'll let you all know how it is.


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